LCPtracker Software Administration Training and Certification Programs

Receive resume-worthy credentials and industry-wide recognition as a certified LCPtracker administrator. Prove your hands-on experience through the LCPtracker Software Certified Associate certification program. And to truly demonstrate your proficiency, take the advanced certification program and stack your credentials. Once you complete your lesson plan, take the online exam to receive your certification. Other certification programs in labor compliance are also available

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Expert Instructors

Expert Instructors

Learn from compliance experts with first-hand experience in real-world cases

Recognized Credentials

Recognized Credentials

Boost your resume by adding certifications that prove your proficiency

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On-Demand Learning

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LCPtracker Software Certified Associate

Earn credentials that validate your hands-on experience as an LCPtracker user. Take courses to gain in-depth knowledge on how to utilize the application, including the latest features and capabilities, to best fit your labor compliance requirements.

LCPtracker Software Certified Professional

This advanced certification program is designed for seasoned LCPtracker software users who have experience with the system and have a solid understanding of its functionalities. This program builds on concepts covered in the LCPtracker Software Certified Associate program and explores more advanced features and functionalities, including system configuration for special projects and troubleshooting contractor user issues. By successfully completing the final exam and earning the LCPtracker Software Certified Professional credential, you can prove your mastery of the LCPtracker system and receive industry-wide recognition of your specialized skillset as an advanced LCPtracker administrator.

***Users enrolling in this program must first complete the curriculum and pass the final exam for the LCPtracker Software Certified Associate program.

Program Information

Certification cost

  • LCPtracker Software Certified Associate: $800
  • LCPtracker Software Certified Associate + Certified Professional: $1,250

(Discounts apply for Ignite attendees or if enrolling in multiple certification programs)

Program structure
On-demand instructor-led or self-guided courses

Exam length
50 questions for each certification program

LCPtracker Software Certified Associate

Certified Professionals
History of LCPtracker
Learn about LCPtracker’s vision and important statistics and differentiators. This course will explore the administrative and contractor databases and how you can get started.
Basic Admin 101: Application & Department Settings
Learn about the application and department settings so that you can apply them to your database.
Basic Admin 201: Funding Type & Wages
Learn the functionality of jurisdictions and how different funding types are applied to different projects by using jurisdictions, location, and construction types.
Basic Admin 301: Launching Your First Project
Learn how you can set up the database according to project requirements. This course also explores how to set up your first project as well as how to review and assign wages. Learn how to set up prime and subcontractors as well.
Validations 101: What are Validations and How They are Set Up
Learn about validation settings and how to set up enforcement for validations. This course also explores validation override for a single contractor and the different validations that can be set up in LCPtracker.
Wage Entry 101: Why It’s Crucial
Learn what prevailing wages are and how to enforce them as well as how to comply with these wages. This course also explores the different types of wage determinations.
Wage Entry 201: Entry Options
Learn what a master wage is and how to create a new master. This course also explores the functionality of copying a master to a master and how to utilize LCPtracker for wage maintenance.
Report Catalog: Where to Learn
Discuss how to find the report catalog and how to update frequency of the catalog. Learn how to search in the catalog and what is included in the reports catalog.
Reports 101: Basic
Learn how to set up admin reports and create payroll details. This course also explores how to access certified payroll summary report and how to create a late CPR report. Discuss how to create a multiple CPR report as well as a contractor assignment report.
Reports 201: Advanced
Learn how to create CPR Notices report and how to extract data. This course also explores hours and wage by craft report and reviews the Enhanced Query Project Summary Report.
Advanced Features 301: Employee Demographics
Learn about demographic types and classifications and how to add additional ones to LCPtracker. This course also explores how to set a demographic classification to be project specific. Learn how to add a demographic classification to an employee record.
Contractor Training 101: The Basics
Learn about the LCPtracker homepage and the different tabs available. This course also explores the key functions in the set up tab.
Contractor Training 201: Contractor Employee Set-Up
Learn how to manually enter employees and how to copy them. This course also reviews fringe benefits maintenance.
Contractor Training 301: Subcontractor Setup
Learn how to set up subcontractors and how to add and edit them. This course also reviews subcontractor assignments.
Contractor Training 401: Reviewing or Revising CPRs
Learn how to access certified payrolls and notices. This course also discusses how to pull reports.
Payroll Record Entry: Manual Entry
Learn how to enter employees and manually start payroll record entry. This course also explores how to enter payroll information and check for notices and eDocuments. Learn how to submit certified payroll records.
Apprentices: 101
Learn the importance of apprenticeship as well as the Apprentice life cycle. This course also explores the Apprentice functionality in LCPtracker and how to view Apprentice reports.
Apprentices: 201
Learn about different Apprentice programs as well as federal Apprentices and state Apprentices.
Contractor Tips and Tricks
Learn about User ID and browser information as well as agency specific information. This course also covers how and when to contact your administrator or LCPtracker Support.
Administrator Tips and Tricks 101
Learn how to manage administrator and contractor log-ins as well as how to review the certification page. This course also covers how to exempt employee addresses, create eDocument templates, and review department settings.
Contractor Tips and Tricks 201
Learn how to save time on fringe benefit entry and the process for entering employees with multiple classifications.
Final Exam: LCPtracker Software Certified Associate

LCPtracker Software Certified Professional

Certified Professionals
Admin 401: Future Project Setup
Learn how to create resources for the team and how to set up a future project.
Validations 201
Learn how validation checks are done and how they occur during the time of employee setup. This course also discusses how validations work on dual-funded projects.
Wage 301: Master vs. Project
Learn about project wages and master wage functionality.
Wage 401: Manual Wage Entry
Learn how to manually enter wages and how to create a wage through “add classification.” This course also discusses how to copy an existing wage.
Reports 301: Workforce Reports
Learn about the benefits of workforce reporting and the workforce utilization summary report. This course also reviews goal and project goal reports as well as the hours of employment by zip codes and community hours reports.
Reports 401: Special Reports
Learn how to run HUD reports and how to access and upload USACE reports.
Monitoring Wage Compliance
Review the paper process before LCPtracker and learn how to streamline the process. This course also reviews manual items and how to avoid and solve potential issues.
Monitoring Workforce Compliance
Learn how to set up a goal percentage within the project. This course also discusses how to configure collecting employee information and how to generate workforce reports.
Special Project Setup
Learn how to set up HUD and dual-funded projects. This courses also reviews how to set up PLAs.
Zip Lists & Geo Locations
Learn about zip lists and how to assign a zip list category to a project. This course also discusses how to set up and assign geographic types and areas.
KML & Auto Geo Assignment
Learn about KML and GIS. This course also discusses functionality and the benefits of using auto-geo assignment and reports.
Admin Notices
Learn about admin notices and how to create an admin notice template. This course also discusses how to send and re-send an admin notice and how to respond to it.
Contractor Assignments
This course discusses how to assign contractors to a project.
Contractor eDocuments
Learn how to set up a table chart and how to upload documents. This course also discusses how to download document templates and how to view documents.
Work Orders
Learn how to set up work orders as an administrator and how to define a work order as a prime contractor. This course also discusses how to submit a work order as a prime contractor.
Payroll Entry 301: Upload
This course reviews how to upload the spreadsheet template and how to use the template for easier CPR completion. Learn about LCPtracker’s payroll partner interfaces.
Learn about direct payroll interface (DPI) and how it works.
Apprentices 401
Learn how to set up apprentices on the contractor side. This course also discusses how to set up apprentices from an admin perspective.
Contractor Troubleshooting 101
Learn how to troubleshoot within LCPtracker. This course reviews how to troubleshoot password solutions, employee setup, and eDocument uploads.
Contractor Troubleshooting 201
Learn about fringe benefit entry and unpublished California wage rates. This course also discusses California state prevailing wages as well.
Apprentices 301
Learn how to enter apprentices and how to add eDocuments.
Final Exam

What is Prevailing Wage?

LCPtracker Academy allows you to:

  • Receive nationwide recognition of your knowledge and skillset in labor compliance and/or LCPtracker software
  • Take instructor-led and self-guided lessons to master labor compliance concepts
  • Stay engaged throughout courses with short quizzes that test your understanding of the subject
  • Earn a certificate by taking an exam at the end of your lesson plan to demonstrate your proficiency
  • Stack certifications and receive a discount when you enroll in multiple certification programs

Sign up for a free trial for any of our certification programs.

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EMAIL: [email protected]


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Orange CA 92866, USA


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5:00 am - 5:30 pm PST

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