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LCPtracker will be implementing a new blog series this year, “The Staff Corner.” Each month one staff member will submit an article highlighting relevant industry news or their expertise within the labor compliance industry. Check back each month for new articles!

When Change is Good

by Carson McDougald

Support Technician

Certified Payrolls have traditionally been completed by hand with the hope that all requirements and laws will be accurately recorded once submitted. With a hand-written report, there can be multiple errors or other problems that only an auditor will catch on close inspection. If the person filling out the report is not up-to-date on all laws, both mathematical and legal problems can slip through unnoticed.

To eliminate the possibility of having these problems go too long unnoticed, it is best to use an electronic method. Using LCPtracker to input your payroll information is a tool to help streamline the reporting process thus speeding up accuracy, meaning you will get paid sooner.  The advantage of using the tracker is immediacy; you will know if you are paying correctly or not, which can eliminate the issue of not getting payment if issues arise.   LCPtracker goes through various validation checks when you enter your data incorrectly or need to make restitution. This means that you will know immediately if something is incorrect, instead of finding out weeks later.

Another big advantage is to quantify all the data to be able to run reports.  Why submit data if you are unable to qualify the data because it is all on paper, resulting in other issues of inaccuracy due to poor handwriting?  When filling out the payroll, each field can be used to help cross check with other reports.  For example, the system can tell you the ratio between Journeymen and Apprentices or all hours worked by Apprentices broken down by crafts.  LCPtracker is a great tool to make sure everyone is following prevailing wage rules.

Why do we need to use this software instead of the old way of submitting paper certified payrolls?  This is a common question when it comes to change.  Change can be scary at first because it is new and the traditional way is comfortable.  It is best to embrace change, however. Where were you before the internet or the cell phone?  I cannot imagine going without a cell phone for more than a day; so change can be good.

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Orange CA 92866, USA


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5:00 am - 5:30 pm PST

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