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The Importance of an Electronic Signature
By: Benjamin Quirarte
Support Techician
When working with LCPtracker most of our information is electronic and web based. For this reason having an electronic signature is necessary. This avoids having to waste paper and time in printing documents and physically signing those documents. This would totally defeat the purpose of the whole paperless trend and movement that is currently in effect. Instead a series of key entries such as a password would be created to replace this procedure; hence the name electronic signature which in essence is a date stamp along with the code allowing a specific person to submit payroll. Another instance when the electronic signature is used is when submitting documents. Before the system authorizes something to be placed on our system it asks for that validation, again in order to have a stamp and information on who has done these changes to the actual document.
In essence an electronic signature is like a fingerprint because it is something only one person can use and also is unique to that particular person. The similarities between an electronic signature and a fingerprint are that both are nontransferable. Only the person that creates the electronic signature can recall what that signature is, there is no way for the user or the support team to retrieve that electronic signature. Much like a fingerprint, the electronic signature is not something to share.
In technical terms the electronic signature is something the user sets up individually and is never asked by the support team at LCPtracker. When the user either misplaces or forgets that electronic signature, the individual can create a new one. The process is very basic: first start off by logging into LCPtracker then going to the tab SETUP; once in that menu the option to edit an electronic signature will be on the bottom left. Once in that screen the instructions are fairly easy to follow, simply type in a password that is at least eight characters with a capital letter and a lower case letter. Type in that electronic signature twice, to make sure that the characters are the same and hit save on the button at the bottom. That is how an electronic signature is created and/or modified.
Companies like LCPtracker offer an electronic monitoring system to process Davis-Bacon certified payrolls and has the function of Electronic Signature. The software is kept up-to-date with prevailing wage rates, and will notify all parties involved of any violation. These combined tools will help reduce the risk of a DOL audit.
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