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Fuel us and we’ll fuel you – a chance to win $100 for gas!
Contest Instructions & Rules
- Describe in a statement what LCPtracker is to someone unfamiliar with the labor compliance industry. The statement should be less than 20 words using only simple terms.
- Along with your statement please have your 1) Full Name and 2) Agency/Company Name .
- Multiple submissions are permitted
- This Contest is open to ANYONE!
How to Submit
Submission of your statement can be sent by commenting on our Facebook, Twitter or Linkedin accounts. If you do not have an account with these social networks you can send your submission by commenting on this blog entry. An account is NOT necessary for you to leave a comment on this blog.
How Winners Will Be Determined
The winner will be selected by LCPtracker staff via survey. Make sure to connect with our social media networks, where you light the way!
Submit Now!
Last day to submit your statement is: 05/05/2011