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    Guest Speaker Series Videos

    LCPtracker has a growing library of client testimonial and insider videos on the LCPtracker channel of YouTube. New videos are being added frequently, so check back often. These videos include the Guest Speaker Series from the First Annual User Group Conference, where LCPtracker’s valued clients spoke about labor compliance and how they utilize the system. The second video is […]


    LCPtracker Updated Company Timeline

    Not everyone may know that LCPtracker Inc was originally founded nearly 20 years ago under “FM International.” Since then there have been some major changes within the company, resulting in LCPtracker emerging as the leading software for the labor compliance industry. Timeline: 2012: LCPtracker releases new module, Daily Reporter, and has clients in 38 states 2011: Growth continues at a […]


    New Video Posts from Guest Speaker Series

    New videos have been added to the LCPtracker YouTube channel. These videos include the Guest Speaker Series from the First Annual User Group Conference, where LCPtracker’s valued clients spoke about labor compliance and how they utilize the system. This first video is from Kathy Keating of the San Diego Regional Airport Authority. Check back on the LCPtracker channel often […]


    2012 Fastest-Growing Private Companies

    LCPtracker is once again one of the top 100 Fastest Growing Private Companies in a two-year period. LCPtracker reached a high of 2.8 million dollars revenue in growth. In 3 short years LCPtracker grew from 16 employees to 25 employees. LCPtracker’s Story: 2012: LCPtracker releases new module, Daily Reporter, and has clients in 38 states 2011: Growth continues at […]


    California Prevailing Wage Law: Proper Determination Tied to Bid Advertisement Date

    Prevailing wages are determined by the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) and are issued twice a year in February and August. These wage rates create a “minimum wage” rate for workers employed on public works projects. The wage rates are adopted by using a modal rate, which means the rate most frequently […]


    Study Refutes Claims About Prevailing Wage Laws

    A study by America’s Building Trades Unions examined a sample of bids by union and nonunion contractors on prevailing wage projects in the San Francisco Bay area. Results provided the first evidence examining the effects of prevailing wage regulations on contractor participation and bidding behavior. Prevailing wage regulations does not decrease the number of  bidders […]


    HUD Issues Update to Labor Standards Handbook

    HUD’s Office of Labor Relations has launched a new set of news bulletins that will keep mailing list subscribers up-to-date on all developments and events concerning labor standards administration and enforcement in HUD programs. To subscribe to these bulletins, click here. Most recently, HUD announced a revision to the Handbook 1344.1, Federal Labor Standards Requirements in Housing […]


    California Prevailing Wage Law: Threshold Amount

    Prevailing wage is imposed when: 1. A state, municipal, or local agency administers public funds for works of improvement which exceed $1,000; or, 2. Certain lease arrangements where a building is privately owned, and: A. A public entity leases 50% of the space in the building before construction begins; OR B. The building is built […]


    California Apprenticeship Programs

    Apprenticeships, although equating to only 3% of total construction industry employment, are key to sustaining the workforce that builds California’s public works projects. They allow aspiring construction workers the opportunity to earn good wages with health insurance and retirement benefits as they learn to build the infrastructure upon which California depends. Recently, data from the […]


    Arizona E-Verify Decision in Relation to Other States

    The recent Supreme Court decision on part of Arizona’s immigration law (SB 1070) does not impact legislation related to E-Verify. This decision dealt with the section of SB 1070 that states it is unlawful for an individual to apply for employment in the state without federal work authorization. The law is not expected to have a large […]


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Orange CA 92866, USA


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Booth #28, Omaha, NE.