American Public Works Association Video Presentations
During the 2012 APWA show, LCPtracker President Mark Douglas presented information on prevailing wage and new components of LCPtracker software. Videos of the speech are published on LCPtracker’s YouTube channel. Check back on the blog periodically as more videos are uploaded. The first video in the series presents the history of prevailing wage and Davis-Bacon laws, […]
Read More...City of Pasadena Local Hire Report
The City of Pasadena implemented a strong local hire program for the Rose Bowl Renovation and Tenant Improvement Project beginning this year. This project was estimated to generate between 75 and 100 jobs for Pasadena residents. In the first 18 months of the Project, there have been 161 residents hired by contractors. Of those hired, 14.3% of residents […]
Read More...California Prevailing Wage Law: How Prevailing Wages Determined
California uses a modal rate system to determine the prevailing wage rate. While the DIR from time to time does conduct wage surveys, most of the prevailing wage determinations are taken from the collective bargaining agreement and are the union rate. The modal rate means that the State adopts the single rate which is paid most often […]
Read More...Completing Daily Reports Correctly
Daily Reports for Construction Projects: A daily report is one of the basic, but most important, aspects of project documentation. However, daily reports are often not submitted with detailed information, but rather with just the minimum notation of date, weather, employees present, and a broad description of work performed. In order to later request additional compensation or change order claim, this type […]
Read More...Guest Speaker Series Videos
LCPtracker has a growing library of client testimonial and insider videos on the LCPtracker channel of YouTube. New videos are being added frequently, so check back often. These videos include the Guest Speaker Series from the First Annual User Group Conference, where LCPtracker’s valued clients spoke about labor compliance and how they utilize the system. The second video is […]
Read More...LCPtracker Updated Company Timeline
Not everyone may know that LCPtracker Inc was originally founded nearly 20 years ago under “FM International.” Since then there have been some major changes within the company, resulting in LCPtracker emerging as the leading software for the labor compliance industry. Timeline: 2012: LCPtracker releases new module, Daily Reporter, and has clients in 38 states 2011: Growth continues at a […]
Read More...New Video Posts from Guest Speaker Series
New videos have been added to the LCPtracker YouTube channel. These videos include the Guest Speaker Series from the First Annual User Group Conference, where LCPtracker’s valued clients spoke about labor compliance and how they utilize the system. This first video is from Kathy Keating of the San Diego Regional Airport Authority. Check back on the LCPtracker channel often […]
Read More...2012 Fastest-Growing Private Companies
LCPtracker is once again one of the top 100 Fastest Growing Private Companies in a two-year period. LCPtracker reached a high of 2.8 million dollars revenue in growth. In 3 short years LCPtracker grew from 16 employees to 25 employees. LCPtracker’s Story: 2012: LCPtracker releases new module, Daily Reporter, and has clients in 38 states 2011: Growth continues at […]
Read More...California Prevailing Wage Law: Proper Determination Tied to Bid Advertisement Date
Prevailing wages are determined by the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) and are issued twice a year in February and August. These wage rates create a “minimum wage” rate for workers employed on public works projects. The wage rates are adopted by using a modal rate, which means the rate most frequently […]
Read More...Study Refutes Claims About Prevailing Wage Laws
A study by America’s Building Trades Unions examined a sample of bids by union and nonunion contractors on prevailing wage projects in the San Francisco Bay area. Results provided the first evidence examining the effects of prevailing wage regulations on contractor participation and bidding behavior. Prevailing wage regulations does not decrease the number of bidders […]