2013 LCPtracker User Conference Video
The LCPtracker & B2Gnow 2013 User Training Conference was a great success in Chicago, IL. State Agencies, prime contractors, and general contractors participated in training sessions on LCPtracker and B2Gnow software as well as industry updates. LCPtracker’s video with client testimonials and a conference overview is now uploaded to the YouTube channel. View the video here and […]
Read More...Public Works Prevailing Wage Bill Advances
The California Assembly Local Government Committee has approved legislation, Senate Bill 7, that would effectively have charter cities require higher prevailing wage rates regardless of where the funding originates. If cities do not comply, they could be barred from any future state funding. The legislation was introduced in response to a 2012 state Supreme Court ruling that upheld […]
Read More...Cleaner Way of Obtaining Energy
Duke Energy located in Indiana, opened up a 618-megawatt advanced technology coal gasification plant. This power plant is one of the world’s cleanest coal-fired power generating facilities. The plant uses advanced technology to gasify coal, strip out pollutants, and then burn that cleaner gas to produce electricity. The technology substantially reduces the environmental impact of burning coal to […]
Read More...Missouri Adjusts Prevailing Wage
The Missouri Senate signed a bill, House Bill 34, last month to modify how prevailing wage is calculated to make it more economical for rural communities. In many areas of the state, the wages required for government projects are above those paid in the private sector, up to 10 times more. The changes will encourage more […]
Read More...The Staff Corner: May 2013
Multi-Funded Projects: Apprenticeship Regulation/ California vs. Federal Written by: Korina Contreras Support Manager At the moment, there is no mandatory training program for Federal Davis-Bacon projects. If an employer is enrolled in an approved apprenticeship program they are subject to that program’s Federal Apprenticeship Regulations. If the job is funded by State AND Federal regulations […]
Read More...DOL Now Enforcing Flawless Audits
The DOL recently recovered $787,000 in back wages for 124 workers who were working on a federally funded project at the Nissan plant in Smyrna. The DOL found those five contractors violated provisions of the Davis-Bacon and Related Acts as well as the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act. The violation resulted in workers […]
Read More...Prevailing Wage HB34 Overhaul passed Missouri Senate
The Missouri senate has passed legislation that is changing how the minimum wage required for public construction projects is calculated for rural counties. Currently their projects are being calculated based on volunteer surveys collected and submitted by contractors on public work projects. With this bill passing it allows the wage survey to be split between […]
Read More...The Staff Corner: April 2013
Benefits of Direct Payroll Interface Written by: Minendra Patel DPI Specialist A Direct Payroll Interface Model is a beneficial tool for uploading employee records with speed and ease. It is an instrument that is custom fit to any given certified payroll, which allows a contractor to upload an unlimited amount of employee records in a matter […]
Read More...Kentucky Serious Injury Rate Rose 11% After Repeal of Prevailing Wage Law
Prevailing wage laws have been instrumental in promoting local economies and creating higher standards of living and a better quality of life for millions of American workers. The study written by Steve Cooper from “Wepartypatriots.com” shows the importance of these laws: In a recent study, when comparing Kansas with 15 other Plains States, injury rose […]
Read More...The Staff Corner: March 2013
The Importance of an Electronic Signature By: Benjamin Quirarte Support Techician When working with LCPtracker most of our information is electronic and web based. For this reason having an electronic signature is necessary. This avoids having to waste paper and time in printing documents and physically signing those documents. This would totally defeat the purpose […]