How Does AB 1701 Affect Your Organization?

Have you heard about the newly California passed bill?  Prime Contractors are now financially responsible for wages and benefits due to subcontractor’s employees on all privately funded projects Sign up now for our webinar led by Deborah Wilder of CCMI and LCPtracker to learn more about the following: How AB 1701 applies to wages and benefits […]

California Prevailing Wage Law: How Prevailing Wages Determined

California uses a modal rate system to determine the prevailing wage rate. While the DIR from time to time does conduct wage surveys, most of the prevailing wage determinations are taken from the collective bargaining agreement and are the union rate. The modal rate means that the State adopts the single rate which is paid most often […]

California Prevailing Wage Law: Threshold Amount

Prevailing wage is imposed when: 1. A state, municipal, or local agency administers public funds for works of improvement which exceed $1,000; or, 2. Certain lease arrangements where a building is privately owned, and: A. A public entity leases 50% of the space in the building before construction begins; OR B. The building is built […]

Federal Davis-Bacon Requirements: Mixed Funding Projects

A pure Davis-Bacon project is easy to spot because the main contract is between the prime contractor and the U.S. Department of XXXX. The work is performed on a military base (Department of Defense), for a federal penitentiary or courthouse (Department of Justice), the U.S. Post Office, or The Army Corp of Engineers, etc. Prevailing wage gets […]

Federal Davis-Bacon Requirements: Statute of Limitations & Burden of Proof

The time period when a claim can be made against a contractor for unpaid wages is generally 2 years, 3 years if the violation is found to be willful. It is recommended that contractors keep all certified payrolls and related documents for at least three years from the completion of the project. In any investigation relating to […]

Federal Davis-Bacon Requirements: Trainees & Helpers

Unless the specific Davis-Bacon wage classification recognizes a Trainee or Helper as one of the specified classifications, then a contractor may not pay workers less than the specified prevailing wage rate for the classification of worker. Persons registered and receiving on-the-job training in a construction occupation under a program that has been approved in advance by DOL’s Employment […]

Federal Davis-Bacon Requirements: Apprentices

A contractor may employ apprentices and pay the applicable apprenticeship rate only for those individuals who are properly enrolled in a Bureau of Apprenticeship Training (BAT) program. The BAT may have agreements with various state apprenticeship agencies so that many (but not all) apprenticeship programs have both BAT and local state approval. Only those workers […]

Federal Davis-Bacon Requirements: Electronic Payroll Reporting & Posters

The Department of Labor (DOL) does accept the electronic submission of certified payrolls. There are several services available whereby a contractor may complete certified payroll through a web-based program and have the information submitted electronically to the agency. The “electronic signature” is accepted for the purposes of “certifying the payroll”. WH-347 forms can also be […]

Federal Davis-Bacon Requirements: 
Health Benefits

It is important to understand that the payment of benefits from Davis-Bacon wages may not pay for benefits covering non Davis-Bacon hours. One cannot use Davis Bacon the “fringe benefit” amount set forth in the Davis Bacon wage determination to pay for an employee’s entire month of healthcare, when the employee also works on many non-prevailing wage projects. […]

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