The Staff Corner: October 2013
The Need for a Clean CPR By Todd Calvert, Account Manager Contractors working on any project that is funded by the state or federal government must pay all the employees working on that project a prevailing wage. Depending upon the individuals craft and classification there are many differing wage rates that are required by law […]
Read More...DOL Secretary Announces Davis-Bacon Enforcement Priorities
Article by Jade Banks LCPtracker Labor Advisor The recently installed Secretary of Labor’s address at the 2013 AFL-CIO Convention on September 10, 2013, reaffirmed the Department of Labor’s (DOL) commitment to aggressively seek out employers who underpay laborers and mechanics working on projects covered by Davis-Bacon Act prevailing wage requirements. Thomas E. Perez, chosen by […]
Read More...Construction Management At-Risk Contracting
“Construction management at-risk contracting” has been used by private developers and school districts, but not usually for public entities such as cities and counties. Recently, however, more public works departments have been utilizing the method for large, multimillion-dollar projects. The city of Papillion recently used this method for its $8 million public works complex. The […]
Read More...California Closes Loophole on Fringe Benefits
California’s SB 776 was signed by Governor Jerry Brown August 28, 2013. The bill strengthens existing workplace and labor protections for workers throughout California by protecting the wages and fringe benefits of workers on public works projects. Specifically, it closes loopholes in the prevailing wage law by clarifying that contractor payments for monitoring and enforcing laws related […]
Read More...Prevailing Wage Explained
In recent months, there has been much discussion and debate over San Diego’s decision to implement prevailing wage law even though it is a charter city. A charter city is a city that operates with its own “constitution,” or charter. This, in effect, allows the cities to create their own laws and essentially govern itself […]
Read More...Prevailing Wage Law Manual Available
The California “Prevailing Wage Law” manual is now available on the California Division of Labor Standards Enforcement website. The California DIR has streamlined complaints to allow workers and the public to file public works complaints for prevailing wage and apprenticeship violations. The manual was updated a few months ago to reflect the changes in the […]
Read More...New York City Court Overthrows Prevailing Wage
New York Supreme Court Justice Geoffrey Wright struck down a New York City requirement for landlords and companies receiving economic aid from the city to pay workers prevailing wage. Wright said it was preempted by the state’s minimum wage law; the new measure would have raised the minimum wage for some private employees. The court […]
Read More...California Prevailing Wage Law
California’s prevailing wage law has been in place for more than 50 years. It is the law of the land for federal and state public works projects. In government contracting, a prevailing wage is the hourly wage paid to the majority of workers, laborers and mechanics within one specific geographic area. Currently it is not […]
Read More...Using Public-Private Partnerships on Transit Projects
Public-private partnerships are becoming more popular in the construction industry. Government agencies do not have the time, or in some cases, legal authority to borrow the entire cost of a project at once. Therefore, more of these types of arrangements are being used as an “availability payment” option. The contractor would build the project and […]
Read More...Update: Missouri Prevailing Wage Bill
Missouri State House Bill 34 will now become law without the Governor’s signature. The bill was initially started to help rural school districts save on construction and repair costs. It is now a bill that will apply to all public works projects and no longer allow Kansas City and St. Louis union rates to determine […]