Keeping Investigations at Bay on Public Works Projects
When public works contractors sign up for a project, they better know what they are getting themselves into. What does that mean exactly? Well, on any construction project where federal funds are involved, Davis-Bacon requirements apply. And contractors need to be well-versed in the various nuances of federal prevailing wage, like certified payroll reports (CPR), […]
Read More...08/10/2020
Prevailing Wage Compliance: Taking on a Whole New Look
By Labor Law Attorney, Deborah Wilder Just like 9/11 changed security in this country and around the world, the COVID-19 pandemic will change how we do business. For us in the construction industry, we were lucky that disruptions were minimal, and for the most part, work was only halted in areas that had the worst […]
Read More...03/31/2020
Underutilized Features of LCPtracker That Save Contractors Time
UPDATE: This article was originally published March 2020 but has since been updated in February 2022. We sat down with LCPtracker’s Director of Client Services, Aliecia Taormina, for a quick Q & A session discussing user support and a few of the more underutilized tools and features that some contractors may not be taking advantage […]
Read More...11/07/2019
California’s Skilled & Trained Workforce Requirements: Q & A with Deborah Wilder
Today we sat down with Deborah Wilder, President of Contractor Compliance & Monitoring Inc., for a quick Q & A session about California’s Skilled and Trained Workforce requirements. Q: What are some of the biggest challenges contractors face with Skilled and Trained Workforce requirements? A: The biggest challenges will most likely stem from a change in […]
Read More...11/01/2019
Prevailing Wage Investigations & the Most Common Contractor Errors
So here’s the thing: investigations might capture your interest and elicit excitement when you’re watching an episode of CSI or your favorite crime-related tv show. But they’re no fun when you are the one being investigated. Any contractors that have worked on publicly-funded construction projects often and consistently enough can attest that it’s an unavoidable part of […]
Read More...08/12/2019
The Prime Contractor’s Greatest Challenge with Prevailing Wage Compliance
UPDATE: This article was originally published August 2019 but has since been updated in February 2022. Prevailing wage: quite possibly two of the most unpleasant words for a contractor to hear when working on a construction project. Why? Because prevailing wage compliance is fraught with complexities that at times seem to warrant a small army […]
Read More...03/18/2019
Latest Tech Trends, Prevailing Wages, and the Labor Shortage
Today, we sat down with LCPtracker’s CEO, Mark Douglas, for a Q&A session on the construction industry’s technology trends, prevailing wage compliance, and the future of construction. Check out what Mark has to say about the industry’s hottest topics below. Q: What has it been like to play a part in the technological shift in […]
Read More...02/06/2019
Leveraging Mobile Technology for Construction Site Compliance
A dollar saved is a dollar earned – a valuable phrase for any smart organization looking to increase profitability. When the cost of business increases, it’s only natural to look for ways to maintain margins. Often, this means investing in processes that maximize efficiency and reduce costs. And for a construction industry struggling with project delays […]
Read More...11/15/2018
The New Age Contractor: Simplifying Certified Payroll
The Technological Shift In the last few years, the construction industry has been undergoing a technological shift – not only out on the field, but within the office as well. Contractors and similar parties have turned to new technologies to streamline their processes of obtaining and tracking information. This shift has become increasingly vital to […]
Read More...11/08/2018
The Difference Between Multi-Tiered and Single-Contractor Certified Payroll Solutions
There comes a time in every young contractor’s life when they’re faced with the question: Should we consider working on publicly-funded projects? Making that leap can be a bit nerve-racking, especially considering all the implications that such a decision brings. Understandably, there’s often hesitation before taking on a public works project. We get it: Davis-Bacon […]