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    Federal Davis-Bacon Requirements: Withholding and Debarment

    A prime contractor is ALWAYS the guarantor of prevailing wages due to a worker on a project. That means if your subcontractor goes out of business, leaves the country or just flat does not pay his/her workers the correct prevailing wage rate, the prime contractor will be responsible to see that those wages are paid. Whether or […]


    GOT LCPtracker

    Our Social Media Sites allows you to express your thoughts, concerns, suggestions and opinions directly to us. LCPtracker has gone social and we want you to join! 2012 social Media Giveaway is here:  What do to do win: 1. Comment about our User Conference. 2. Upload a picture 3. Tag your location at the 2nd […]


    Federal Davis-Bacon Requirements: Statute of Limitations & Burden of Proof

    The time period when a claim can be made against a contractor for unpaid wages is generally 2 years, 3 years if the violation is found to be willful. It is recommended that contractors keep all certified payrolls and related documents for at least three years from the completion of the project. In any investigation relating to […]


    Federal Davis-Bacon Requirements: Trainees & Helpers

    Unless the specific Davis-Bacon wage classification recognizes a Trainee or Helper as one of the specified classifications, then a contractor may not pay workers less than the specified prevailing wage rate for the classification of worker. Persons registered and receiving on-the-job training in a construction occupation under a program that has been approved in advance by DOL’s Employment […]


    Federal Davis-Bacon Requirements: Apprentices

    A contractor may employ apprentices and pay the applicable apprenticeship rate only for those individuals who are properly enrolled in a Bureau of Apprenticeship Training (BAT) program. The BAT may have agreements with various state apprenticeship agencies so that many (but not all) apprenticeship programs have both BAT and local state approval. Only those workers […]


    Federal Davis-Bacon Requirements: Electronic Payroll Reporting & Posters

    The Department of Labor (DOL) does accept the electronic submission of certified payrolls. There are several services available whereby a contractor may complete certified payroll through a web-based program and have the information submitted electronically to the agency. The “electronic signature” is accepted for the purposes of “certifying the payroll”. WH-347 forms can also be […]


    “The Perfect Storm”

    “The Perfect Storm” How SBX2-9 Will Drastically Harm the ConstructionIndustry in California “The Perfect Storm” How SBX2-9 Will Drastically Harm the construction industry in California. The currently written legislation and regulations for SBX2-9 will most certainly negatively affect Construction, Jobs and hurt the economy. Although SBX2-9 was written with good intention, it fails in the details […]


    ‘Do More Construction When Unemployment Is High’

    From The Keystone Research Center: HARRISBURG – With the Pennsylvania House Labor and Industry Committee scheduled to vote on seven proposals to weaken Pennsylvania’s construction sector prevailing wage law, the Keystone Research Center released a policy brief summarizing research on the impact of these laws.The research shows that prevailing wage laws do not raise construction costs […]


    Fastest-Growing Private Companies

    LCPtracker was  just rewarded news from the Orange County Business Journal that we are the 28th fastest growing private company in a two-year period. LCPtracker reached a high of 2 million dollars revenue in growth. In 3 short years LCPtracker grew from 5 employees to 15 employees. LCPtracker’s Story:  1992-2001- Original company name “FM International” Selling facility […]


    Federal Davis-Bacon Requirements: Certified Payroll

    Certified Payroll is the documentation a contractor is required to keep on a weekly basis and submit to the awarding body. These documents are signed under penalty of perjury and detail the workers, classification, hours worked and rate of pay on the public works project. The typical form used for this purpose is WH-357. A […]


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Orange CA 92866, USA


Monday - Friday
5:00 am - 5:30 pm PST

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Mount Pleasant, MI



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